DPZ Summer School

This summer, I had the opportunity to attend a summer school organized by the Deutsches Primatenzentrum (German Primate Centre, abbreviated as DPZ). As a participant I much enjoyed the many inspiring lectures from speakers from different corners of the world, and loved interacting with my fellow participants; PhD students and junior postdocs alike.

Primate neurobiology is a relatively small scientific field and it was great to exchange ideas on themes ranging from neuroscience to public outreach and animal handling. The summer school is both an immersive and intensive course: with lectures in the morning and afternoon followed by discussions and poster sessions (scientific posters made by participants) in the evening.

Even within such a packed programme, there was ample opportunity to get to know each other during the social activities in beautiful and remote Bad Bevensen. Multiple BBQ’s, a canoe trip or just jointly dozing off on blankets on the grass in the sun: all in all a great experience!

I would very much like to recommend this summer school to other young neuroscientists who are interested in getting a better grasp of the field of primate neurobiology! Feel free to get in touch or check out the website of the DPZ for future editions:



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